Sunday, November 25, 2007

. . . and going, and going, and. . . .

I ran 5 miles today and it was so good.

I've had a week of HORRAH after the marathon with highlights like smoking a celebratory cigar, buying a new bottle of Hendricks Gin, eating fast food & candy, and feasting on dinner pilgrim/indian style! I might just be 12 years old.

Last year, after the Steamtown Marathon, I slacked off. It felt good. I stopped running, put on a few pounds, fell out of shape, and started all over again in the spring. I've been eating leftover stuffing for 4 days. Eating lots of stuffing = not wanting to do much physical activity. I'm done (especially since the gravy has run dry). I've decided to maintain.

I'm not talking about running every day before work, or stopping off after work for a quick lap around the lake (although maybe once a week wouldn't be bad). I'm talking maybe 4 or 5 miles a week, and an extra run here or there. We'll see what happens. Running 5 today though felt really good.

I can't provide a direct link, but if you go to and select "Philadelphia Marathon/Half Marathon" and type in bib # "6916", you can see a few photos from the Philly Marathon.

Well, I think that running a marathon next year is going to be difficult if we end up building a house. The amount of time it takes might prove to be too much. Maybe I'll keep running and try to run a half marathon somewhere close.

Long term, though, I'd like to run a few specific marathons around the country. Among them are Vegas, Walt Disney World, New York, Marine Corps, and Cincinnati.

So, away I go. Hopefully this winter I'll get into a little more strength training as well. I'm still going to take it easy for a while (because of the foot and because they say it truly takes a month for your body to repair itself post-marathon). Keep on running!!


run, run, run.

1 comment:

querly q said...

IF you end up building a house?!?!?!? C'mon Tim, believe! WHEN you build your house. It's WHEN!